Web Development

This Typescript Behavior Will Make You Cringe

A weird way to infer Tuples in Typescript

This Typescript Behavior Will Make You Cringe
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So today I was browsing through X and I came across this crazy post from Matt Pocock:

Just when I thought I understood Typescript, I was hit with this brand-new trick that made no sense to me.

So what does this trick do?

As Matt's post points out, the trick is to add a | [] to the generic parameter TRoutes extends string[], and suddenly you go from inferring this:


to this:

[string, string, string]

The code above is a type definition for a Tuple, and weirdly enough, we need to use the | [] syntax to achieve something like this for tuples of variable length.

When is it useful?

It turns out there is a creative application for this Typescript quirk.

By creating a type Tuple = unknown[] | [] we can use this as a "caster" with the satisfies keyword; let me explain using the code below:

Here we use satisfies Tuple to cast each key-value pair to our Tuple type.

So instead of the final output type being (string | number)[][], we know it will be [string, number][], which is more accurate and will create more consistent code.

Why not `as const`?

We could technically replace the satisfies Tuple cast with as const, but this comes with a caveat.

When you apply as const, the resulting type of mapped becomes:

(readonly [string,number])[]

Since the key-value pairs are marked as readonly, this means typescript will get mad at you if you try to edit the key-value pairs later in the program.

Wrapping up

This typescript trick is weird, don't get me wrong, but I find it cool that such a trick can have realistic use cases.

Typescript is full of little quirks like this, and I will make it my mission to cover as many of them as possible for you guys.

I hope you enjoyed this article, see you in the next one. 🫡

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